Meet with Carla

Carla Moukarzel

Yoga teacher, Hypnotherapist

Yoga teacher for over 20 years,
Carla Moukarzel has been sharing her passion in life, constantly aiming for a better well-being and a harmonious equilibrium between body, mind, and soul.

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News & Events

You are invited to share with us these blissful moments.
Always check this section to be aware about the latest events.
Le Temps, Le Rythme Et L'Eternite
Merry Land, Naas, Bickfaya - 5-7 Oct
By modifying our interior space through the postures and the Breath, our awareness is transformed, gradually bringing us to a feeling of suspension of time, as a precious moment where the present stretches towards eternity. more
L'Architecture et la Symbolique des Postures
September | 2017
A Course of yoga is a true architectural construction, putting in resonance postures often carrying direction by their archetypal form that evoke powerful symbolism. The postures, the natural body forms blend the physical and spiritual. The intention of yoga is to open other fields of your conscience. more
Yoga And Dementia
Beirut | 2016
A lecture was given by Mrs. Carla Feghali Moukarzel, president of the SYTL (Syndicate of the Yoga Teachers in Lebanon), at st Charles Hospital, about the benefits of Yoga for the Dementia and Alzheimer disorders. more
Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better you practise the brighter the flame.
B.K.S. Lyengar


The Yoga classes give me more awareness of my body. I like the energy and variety that is given in each session. Keep going.
Nada Massoud
Yoga and pilates classes strengthen all your muscles from one side and from the other side it relaxes your body and mind. Amazing combination
Daniel Moutran
Yoga and Pilates classes are great and wonderful. They give me energy, self confidence, peace and a very special feeling of positiveness for sure about myself and my body.
Ghada Bou Dagher

AGBU Demirdjian Center
Address | Naccache Highway, Beirut-lebanon
Tel. | +961 4 418 912 - +961 4 522 842/ 3
Body Energy Club
Address | Sin el fil-Horsh Tabet -Mar Maroun street - Saliba Bldg
Tel. | +961 1 492494 - +961 3 294924